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Beat The Dealer with a Perfect Blackjack Strategy

March 28, 2023

Online and physical gaming enthusiasts love playing blackjack games for fun and real money. Their quest to emerge victorious is typically inspired by the desire to beat the house dealer by attaining the natural 21, or the closest value in an enthralling card-comparing competition. For seasoned players, a perfect blackjack strategy comes in handy to help them beat casino dealers from decks of 52 cards drawn randomly. Nevertheless, newbies depend on luck until they master the requisite skills, tips, and strategies.

Luckily, if you are starting your blackjack strategy journey, the King Billy Empire is affording you an ideal platform with multi games to practice both skills and luck. It gives you a headstart to hit the ground running with incredible variants of the game, an ideal blackjack strategy, a uniform deck to play from, a dynamic blackjack live lobby, plummy bonuses, a friendly user interface, and above all, professionally courteous 24/7 support to sort you on all your burning queries and challenges.

Blackjack cards

All You Need To Know About Blackjack Basic Rules

Typically, games, including blackjack, have specific rules. The in-game rules serve to provide a theoretical guide of steps to follow before the winner is announced. They embody the steps, values, determination, and the next course of action given your competitor’s hand combo. In essence, you cannot play any gaming title without mastery of its rules.

As such, when playing blackjack at King Billy, here are the basic rules you ought to have at your fingertips.

  • Whichever blackjack strategy you use, face cards of 2 to 10 count at their face value. This means you count them per their true nominal value.
  • Cards J, K, and Q take the pip value, meaning they take the 10 value.
  • Players are at liberty to decide whether an Ace counts as 11 or 1. It all depends on which value improves their hand or takes them closer to the natural 21 without bursting.

Common Blackjack Terms

Blackjack strategy approaches and the game itself has various terminologies defining different hand combos or the next steps. Below, is a glossary that we think will help you navigate the steps with relative ease.

  • Bust — If a player or the house dealer gets a hand combo with more than 21, they are deemed to have busted. Always endeavor never to bust because you will lose the round by default. Fortunately, if the dealer busts, the player will be announced as the winner.
  • Hit — When you use hit as a basic blackjack strategy, you request an extra card from the dealer after the first round.
  • Stand — Standing in blackjack implies that you are satisfied with your current hand values and thus, there is no need for requesting an extra card.
  • Hard Hand — A hard hand in blackjack refers to a hand without an Ace or a hand with an Ace that must count as 1, e.g., a hand with 7,6, and 9 cards are considered a hard hand. It is recommended to stand if your hard hand is 17 and above, and hit when your hard hand is 12 or lower.
  • Split — To split in blackjack involves splitting of cards to yield two separate hands which you can play independently. Splitting is recommended when the initial two cards in your hand are a pair or are of equal rank. Splitting helps players have two distinct hands to play with.
  • Doubling Down — When you double down it means you are giving your wagers a doubling boost, thus, you will be afforded an extra hand to play with.
  • Insurance — Blackjack insurance refers to a blackjack strategy where a side bet not associated with your primary bets in any way comes into play. This special bet is, however, available only when the dealer reveals an Ace. With this option, the player gambles that the dealer’s hand is 21. If the guess is correct, the player wins the special bet and forfeits the initial wager unless in rare scenarios where their hand is also 21. Interestingly, if the dealer’s hand falls short of 21, the player loses the special bet but still stands a chance of winning from their primary stakes.
Dealing Blackjack Cards on a table

Card Values in Blackjack

  • Cards 2-10 count at face value.
  • Cards J, K, and Q count at Pip value meaning equal to 10.
  • Aces count as 1 or 11. You are at liberty to decide which value takes your hand closer to 21 without busting.

Blackjack Strategy Chart For Experts

As you will realize, you will need to make strategic decisions to broaden your winning chances. In your gaming course, you will have to practice some of these blackjack basic strategy systems which have proved significantly fruitful and workable.

Ideal Scenarios For Hitting or Standing in Blackjack

As explained earlier, hitting is a blackjack strategy that involves the player requesting an extra card from the dealer. Standing on the other hand means you stick to your total hand combo, thus ending the round. Both decisions have a profound impact on your hand’s outcome. Your choice must be guided by the dealer’s blackjack hand. For instance

  • If the dealer’s hand has an Ace, this is not good news for the player. In such a scenario, you should strive to get a good hand with a value of 17+ because the dealer’s probability of having a strong hand is high. This is because they have better chances of hitting the 10-value symbol (J, K, or Q). Hitting is the ideal strategy in such cases.
  • If the dealer’s hand is a 10-value symbol you equally require a strong hand. As such, it is advisable to hit when you have a hand of 10, or anything between 12 and 16.
  • You should stand when your hand combo is 17 or over. Besides, an Ace gives you better chances of getting the natural 21 combos with a hit.
  • Typically, it is advisable to hit when your hand is 8 or less but stand when your hand has a combo of 12 or higher.
The dealer’s cards with 52 random options before the round starts

When is The Best Time to Double Down

Doubling down means players will double their stakes when their initial cards are revealed. Normally, this blackjack strategy involves drawing an extra card after your double down. So when is it ideal to double down?

In general, a player ought to double down when their hand value is 10 or 11. This is mathematically advisable because your chances of getting a 10-value symbol to make it a stronger hard are 30.7%.

When Is It Advisable to Split Pairs

Splitting is a blackjack best strategy when the initial two cards dealt are pairs. It involves a quick decision that must be made once offered, otherwise, you will be deemed to have forfeited the chance. Splitting your cards means you will have two standard hands, thus a chance to double your winnings or losses in the worst-case scenario.

Splitting is advisable when you have pairs of Eights or Aces. The reasoning is that because the remaining cards Js, Ks, and Qs (10-value cards) are more than others, thus, statistically, you stand a chance of getting the coveted natural 21 when splitting the Aces.

When Is It Profitable to Use Surrender As a Blackjack Strategy

Surrendering is a blackjack betting strategy where the player before playing and after realizing the dealer has a hand of 21 (natural blackjack hand) chooses to give up half of his stakes without further recourse to the round. Surrendering is ideal when the dealer’s hand has a 9-A combo while the player’s combo is 12-16 or 5-7.

Mathematical Blackjack Wagering Systems You Should Learn

Even as you consider the above blackjack betting strategy, experts and statisticians propose numerous mathematical approaches you can leverage to score the dealer often. Here are a few of them.

The Martingale Blackjack System

The Martingale system is a widely embraced concept in the world of finance and betting. In the latter, it connotes an investment pattern in which the dollar value of your invested portfolio continually increases after losses. The strategy has roots in France where it was first published by a renowned mathematician Paul Pierre Levy in the 18th Century.

In the betting circles, when applied as a blackjack basic strategy, it proposes that a player should double their stakes in successive losses until they ultimately land a winning combo. Your ultimate victory will give you an overall net profit because you will be by default, headed by a betting unit.

For instance, if your initial bet is $20, and you lose three successive rounds, but emerge victorious in the last round your pattern will look like this (L, L, L, and W). Using the Martingale rationale, you lost $20 in the first round, $40 in the second round, $60 in the third round, and won $160 in the fourth round. Your net payout is $160-$120 = $40.

One of the several advantages of the system is that it insulates the player from huge losses and also aids them to recover quickly despite the relatively small stakes.

d'Alembert Blackjack Wagering System

D’ Alermbert is a crucially popular betting strategy for card-comparing games like Blackjack. As a blackjack basic strategy, it is considered a negative progression strategy that was somewhat inspired by the Martingale system. It is a brainchild of another French mathematician Jean Le Rond D’ Alembert who is credited for having illustrated the system by premising it on a concept he termed as the ‘Balance of Nature’.

The system’s guiding principle is for the players to increase their stakes by a unit after a loss and also decrease their stakes by a unit after a win. For example, if your initial stake is $5 and you lose, then your next stake should be $10. If you unluckily lose again, the following stake should be $15. If you beat the dealer, your next stake should be $10. Again, if you get a winning hand your following stake should be $5.

Proponents of this blackjack strategy or gambling approach justify it on two grounds. When you increase your stakes after a loss, you are in a rush to recoup your losses as fast as possible. When you decrease your stakes after beating the dealer, you are protecting your winnings.

Fibonacci Blackjack Sequence

The Fibonacci blackjack online strategy is a popular betting strategy that pays attention to the Fibonacci sequence. It proposes that blackjack players should stake an amount that corresponds to the next nominal number in the Fibonacci sequence.

Ideally, the system proposes that a player should increase their stakes when on a winning streak and also, decrease their stakes when caught in an unlucky losing streak.

For the uninitiated, they may wonder what the Fibonacci system is all about! Well, the sequence involves a series of numbers where respective numbers are arrived at by adding the two preceding numbers. The sequence starts with these numbers; 0,1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, and so on.

As such, to use the Fibonacci blackjack table strategy, you ought to start by betting the minimum possible amount. Normally, King Billy will indicate the minimum stake across various blackjack variants. If you beat the dealer, you should increase the stake by the next number in the Fibonacci sequence. In case of a losing bet, you should stake an amount equivalent to the previous number in the sequence.

This sequence is among the progressive betting systems. These systems typically assume that after a series of losses, the player will likely beat the dealer. So the whole idea is to bet more in a bid to recoup the losses incurred in the previous losing hands.

The 1-3-2-6 Blackjack Approach

The 1-3-2-6 blackjack betting strategy is a positive progressive staking system. It proposes you increase your wagers after winning and decrease them after losing using the 1-3-2-6 sequence. Your first four wagers should be 1, 3, 2, and 6 units, respectively. If you are lucky to beat the dealer in all four stakes, you start again with a 1-unit wager. If you lose any of the wagers, you should start over at the sequence’s beginning with a 1-unit stake.

The main idea is to optimize the winning streaks while minimizing losses from losing hands.

The Parlay Blackjack Strategy

Parlay is a popular blackjack table strategy that you can leverage at the land of King Billy. It is premised on the idea of positive progression implying that you should increase your stakes after every winning hand. Parlay’s system goal is to optimize profits and minimize losses.

It proposes that after every winning hand, the player should parlay their winnings by summing up their winnings with the initial stake.

For example, if you stake $30 initially and you leverage this blackjack strategy to win $30 in the first round, your next stake should be $60. Continue increasing your stakes with the previous winnings for the predetermined times, as long as you keep winning at blackjack.

The Oscar's Grind Blackjack Betting System

This is a great blackjack strategy chart designed to help players stay on top of their stakes and potentially improve their winnings. It involves creating a grid with 3 columns and as many rows as you wish. In the first row, you place a unit bet, say, for instance, $5. If you beat the blackjack dealer, proceed to the next row and stake equal to 2 betting units. In our scenario, this is $10. If you are lucky to beat the dealer again, move to the next row and stake 3 betting units meaning you stake $15.

However, if you lose, you should go back to the initial row and start over again with your betting unit. The system’s justification is that players will continue improving their wagers as long as they are winning. Besides, when they lose they will not lose more than their starting betting unit.

Where Can I Learn and Practice These Blackjack Strategies

The King Billy Empire is giving you a chance to practice, learn and win using these blackjack strategy systems. You can choose the demo modes on various blackjack variants, keenly follow the steps in every system and soon you might be updating your status to a blackjack pro player!

Besides, our site offers you insightful reviews of these tips and strategies. Tap into our professional articles and enrich your theoretical and practical strategies.


Are blackjack basic strategies practical?

Yes, all blackjack tips and strategies we cover are practical. Narrow down to any of the systems and practice consistently and soon you will realize their importance. Nevertheless, they come with a pinch of salt! No system will come with a 100% winning guarantee, but generally, they improve your winning chances and as a result, you actually much better know about how to play blackjack.

Do I need to memorize all these rules and systems?

No, do not bother memorizing. In most cases, our King Billy blackjack tables have a sub-screen with rules and information. You can study the blackjack strategy charts as you play. As regards the systems, practice with them for free in demo mode and you will have the rules at your fingertips within a few rounds.

Is card counting allowed as a blackjack strategy?

Cards counting involves keeping a track of cards to ascertain which ones have been dealt. King Billy does not allow this strategy as it compromises the game’s integrity.

What is the process of placing online blackjack stakes?

Placing your wagers at King Billy is easy. Log into your profile, click the games section, and select the blackjack category. Ensure your account is funded before adjusting your blackjack wagers. Luckily, the user interface is friendly and you will enjoy placing your stakes effortlessly.

Can I leverage all these systems and tips on King Billy?

King Billy is a transparent site with no hidden terms or clauses. You can use all these systems and tips to beat the dealer.

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